A Tiny Halloween Treat

I am a big fan of brightening my children’s school days with small gestures. There’s always a note in their lunch box. There’s always a silly joke in their snack bag. When they come home from school, sometimes, a craft is waiting to happen at our dining room table or their favorite cookies have been baked.
(Sure sounds like I’ve got it all together, doesn’t it? Sometimes, I surprise them by letting laundry pile up to the ceiling or rolling around town in clothes only slightly not my pajamas, too. Eh hem. Anyway…)
Holidays, especially, call for a little something different to let them know you’re thinking of them.
As we get closer to Halloween, I hope to bake something with pumpkin, make Halloween-shaped cookies, ready Halloween crafts, and on the actual holiday, give them a card in their lunch boxes.
If you’d like to follow suit, here’s a printable card I created that is ready to go:
Halloween Card
Sometimes we get bogged down with big events and grand plans, but these little gestures can often go a long way in creating special moments that our little ones will
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