Six Fun Ways to Celebrate the Last Day of School

June 12, 2017, Epoch Times
School’s out for summer!
They did it! You made it! Its done!
The culmination of your children’s (and your) hard work all year and the oncoming season of freedom is an occasion well worth celebrating.
Here are a few fun ways to mark the last day of school:
Head To The Library
Nerd alert! 😉 While hitting the books may not be everyone’s first step, if you’ve got a family of readers (like mine), the idea of gathering bags full of free reading could be the best way to celebrate the last day of school. There are no rules, no reading levels, no notes to take on what’s being read—just read what you’re interested in reading. Ahhhh.
Max out those library cards and enjoy a most peaceful beginning to summer.
Backyard Campout
In celebration of all of summer’s perks, leave your phones and digital devices inside as you set up a tent or two in the backyard, grill your dinner, make s’mores for dessert, look at the stars, and enjoy the first non-school night in your backyard. These are the kinds of memories our children will hold onto forever.
Set Up A Crafty Surprise
Summertime allows for hours on end of creativity and crafting. Fill a basket with brand new crafting supplies like paper, paints, stickers, glue, scissors, and whatever else your children would enjoy. When they get home from school your children will be greeted with a surprise they can enjoy all summer.
Vacation Reveal
If you’ve got travel plans for this summer, reveal them to your children on the last day of school. Go the extra mile by setting up a puzzle that reveals your destination(s) or put together or a scavenger hunt that will lead them to the big surprise. You could also simply mark the house calendar or print calendar pages to give them with the itinerary of fun!
Hit the Road
Carpe diem! Why not set out on your first summer getaway straight from school? Roll up to pickup with a car packed for vacay and hit the road! That’s how you make every moment count right there!
Ice Cream
As always, the ice cream treat celebration is a no-fail option. Head to your favorite local ice cream shop and enjoy that sweet taste of summer. Tell your kids how proud you are of them and revel in little moments like this, because we all know they are the big moments after all.
Happy Summer!