Thanks so much for checking out my little corner of the internet. I hope you’ll stick around and explore.
I’ve been writing for The Epoch Times since way back in 2005, diving into topics topics that light me up like homeschooling, entrepreneurship, family travel, and personal development. I’m also in charge of the Just for Kids page in the print edition which is a lot of fun.
If you have topics you’d like to see me cover or want to point me to a resource or amazing person that deserves more attention, please send on your ideas!
In case you’re curious, I’m a homeschooling mom of two (and wife of one ;)) I’m a big fan of palm trees, ocean views, and adventures with my wonderful family. My husband and I own a small business that allows him to share his love of skateboarding with the next generation (and shows our kiddos and any others willing to notice that you can turn your passions into something great).
I’m a long-time practitioner of Falun Dafa (a.k.a. Falun Gong) which has benefited my life and that of my family in countless ways. I do whatever I can to raise awareness about the horrific persecution of people practicing Falun Dafa in China.
Through all of my work—whether it be in raising our children, loving and supporting my family, encouraging and inspiring my readers, serving and enhancing my community, sharing hilariously silly jokes, or snapping a picture of an ocean view—I aim to shine as much light as I possibly can into this world.
Please know if you’re a mom or dad, I’m over here rooting for you. If you’re a homeschooling parent, I’m on my feet cheering you on! If you’re an entrepreneur, I wish you outrageous success. If you’re trying to do what you can to make your corner of the world a little bit brighter, I salute you.
I hope my work has a chance to bless your life. Your being here has already blessed mine. Thank you!
Yay! Thrilled to follow you and your awesome researching. I’ll definitely send you topics!
Ah! I have comments! 🙂 Thanks, Leslie. Please do!
You could also tell people that you are an awesome friend! This is great, can’t wait to see more!
AWW! Thanks, Lady. 🙂
Hi Barbara! I just read your article on Disney resource. Great stuff! I think that is an important place to start. There are so many sites and planning a Disney vacation can be so overwhelming. I wanted to let you know about my site that is focused on going to Disney on a budget (or cheaply).
If you know anyone who can use me as a resource please send them my way. Let me know if I can be of help as well.
Enjoy your writing about education and home schooling. I thought you might like to see two short strories about what schooling was like in the midwest in the 1850s and what chores were required of children.
Please see: https://jacobhuntertrust.org/family-stories-legends-and-lore-2/boyd-knob-school/
and https://jacobhuntertrust.org/family-stories-legends-and-lore-2/chores/. Knowing our history might provide a totally new perspective and understanding of what we have today.